prrng 1.12.1
▼Nprrng | Portable Reconstructible (Pseudo!) Random Number Generator |
Calignment | Structure to assemble the alignment parameters |
Cexponential_distribution | Exponential distribution |
Cgamma_distribution | Gamma distribution |
CGeneratorBase | Base class of the pseudorandom number generators providing common methods |
CGeneratorBase_array | Base class of an array of pseudorandom number generators |
Cnormal_distribution | Normal distribution |
Cpareto_distribution | Pareto distribution |
Cpcg32 | Random number generate using the pcg32 algorithm |
Cpcg32_array | Array of independent generators |
Cpcg32_array_chunk | Array of generators of which a chunk of the random sequence is kept in memory |
Cpcg32_array_cumsum | Array of generators of a random cumulative sum, see prrng::pcg32_cumsum() |
Cpcg32_arrayBase | Base class, see pcg32_array for description |
Cpcg32_arrayBase_chunk | Array of generators of which a chunk of random numbers is kept in memory. |
Cpcg32_arrayBase_chunkBase | Array of generators of which a chunk of random numbers is kept in memory |
Cpcg32_arrayBase_cumsum | TODO: copydoc |
Cpcg32_cumsum | Generator of a random cumulative sum of which a chunk is kept in memory |
Cpcg32_index | Overload of prrng::pcg32() that keeps track of the current index of the generator in the sequence |
Cpcg32_index_array | Array of prrng::pcg32_index() |
Cpcg32_index_tensor | Fixed rank version of pcg32_index_array |
Cpcg32_tensor | Fixed rank version of pcg32_array |
Cpcg32_tensor_chunk | Array of generators of which a chunk of the random sequence is kept in memory |
Cpcg32_tensor_cumsum | Array of generators of a random cumulative sum, see prrng::pcg32_cumsum() |
Cpower_distribution | Power distribution |
Cweibull_distribution | Weibull distribution |