| System_Cuspy_Laplace (double m, double eta, double mu, double k_interactions, double k_frame, double dt, const std::array< size_t, 2 > &shape, uint64_t seed, const std::string &distribution, const std::vector< double > ¶meters, double offset=-100.0, size_t nchunk=5000) |
| Standard system with a cuspy potential energy landscape and short range interactions.
const auto & | chunk () const |
| Chunk of (cumulative sum of) random numbers.
auto | size () const |
| Number of particles.
const auto & | shape () const |
| Shape of the system.
auto | dt () const |
| The time step (parameter).
auto | mu () const |
| The curvature of each well (parameter).
auto | eta () const |
| The damping coefficient (parameter).
auto | m () const |
| The mass of each particle (parameter).
auto | k_frame () const |
| The stiffness of the loading frame (parameter).
const auto & | external () const |
| Class that generates and external force that is add to the residual force.
void | set_t (double arg) |
| Set time.
void | set_inc (ptrdiff_t arg) |
| Set increment number.
void | set_u_frame (double arg) |
| Set position of the load frame.
double | u_frame () const |
| Position of the load frame.
void | set_u (const array_type::tensor< double, rank > &arg) |
| Set the slip ('position') of each particle.
void | set_v (const array_type::tensor< double, rank > &arg) |
| Set the velocity of each particle (the first time derivative of the slip).
void | set_a (const array_type::tensor< double, rank > &arg) |
| Set the acceleration of each particle (the second time derivative of the slip).
void | refresh () |
| Recompute all forces.
const auto & | u () const |
| Slip ('position') of each particle.
const auto & | v () const |
| Velocity of each particle.
const auto & | a () const |
| Acceleration of each particle.
const auto & | f () const |
| Resultant force acting on each particle.
const auto & | f_potential () const |
| Force associated to potentials acting on each particle.
const auto & | f_frame () const |
| Force associated to the load frame acting on each particle.
const auto & | f_interactions () const |
| Force associated to interactions between particles.
const auto & | f_damping () const |
| Force associated to damping on each particle.
auto | t () const |
| The time.
auto | inc () const |
| The increment number.
double | temperature () const |
| The instantaneous temperature.
double | residual () const |
| Residual.
void | quench () |
| Set velocities and accelerations to zero.
void | timeStep () |
| Effectuate one time step using the velocity Verlet algorithm.
void | timeSteps (size_t n) |
| Make a number of time steps, see timeStep().
size_t | timeStepsUntilEvent (double tol=1e-5, size_t niter_tol=10, size_t max_iter=1e9) |
| Perform a series of time-steps until the next plastic event, or equilibrium.
void | flowSteps (size_t n, double v_frame) |
| Make a number of steps with the frame moving at a constant velocity.
size_t | minimise (double tol=1e-5, size_t niter_tol=10, size_t max_iter=1e9, bool time_activity=false, bool max_iter_is_error=true) |
| Minimise energy: run timeStep() until a mechanical equilibrium has been reached.
size_t | quasistaticActivityFirst () const |
| Increment with the first plastic event.
size_t | quasistaticActivityLast () const |
| Increment with the last plastic event.
size_t | minimise_truncate (array_type::tensor< ptrdiff_t, rank > i_n, size_t A_truncate=0, size_t S_truncate=0, double tol=1e-5, size_t niter_tol=10, size_t max_iter=1e9, bool time_activity=true, bool max_iter_is_error=true) |
| Minimise energy: run timeStep() until a mechanical equilibrium has been reached.
double | maxUniformDisplacement (int direction) |
| Find maximum particle displacement for which the system is linear and uniform.
double | eventDrivenStep (double eps, bool kick, int direction=1) |
| Make event driven step.
void | trigger (size_t p, double eps, int direction=1) |
| Trigger a specific particle.
void | advanceToFixedForce (double f_frame, bool allow_plastic=false) |
| Change the position of the particles and of the loading frame such that the mean of f_frame() is equal to a target value, and mechanical equilibrium is maintained.
Generator | m_gen |
| Pointer to chunk of yield 'positions' (automatically updated if needed)
detail::Cuspy< Generator > | m_pot |
| Class to get the forces from the local potential energy landscape.
detail::Laplace2d | m_int |
| Class to get the forces from particle interaction.
size_type | m_N |
| Number of particles.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_f |
| Resultant force acting on each particle.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_f_thermal |
| Force due to thermal fluctuations.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_f_potential |
| Force associated to potentials acting on each particle.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_f_interactions |
| Force associated to interactions between particles.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_f_frame |
| Force associated to the load frame acting on each particle.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_f_damping |
| Force associated to damping on each particle.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_u |
| Slip ('position') of each particle.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_v |
| Velocity of each particle.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_a |
| Acceleration of each particle.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_v_n |
| Temporary for integration.
array_type::tensor< double, rank > | m_a_n |
| Temporary for integration.
ptrdiff_t | m_inc |
| The increment number.
ptrdiff_t | m_qs_inc_first |
| Increment with the first plastic event.
ptrdiff_t | m_qs_inc_last |
| Increment with the last plastic event.
double | m_dt |
| Time step.
double | m_eta |
| Damping constant (same for all particles).
double | m_m |
| Mass (same for all particles).
double | m_inv_m |
| == 1 / m_m
double | m_mu |
| Curvature of the potentials.
double | m_k_frame |
| Stiffness of the load fame (same for all particles).
double | m_u_frame |
| Position of the load frame.
detail::Cuspy< Generator > * | m_potential |
| Class to get the forces from the local potential energy landscape.
Generator * | m_chunk |
| Pointer to chunk of yield 'positions' (automatically updated if needed)
detail::Laplace2d * | m_interactions |
| Class to get the forces from particle interaction.
void * | m_external |
| Add an (time dependent) externally defined force to the residual.
Identical to Line1d::System_Cuspy_Laplace() but with '2d' interactions.
Short range interactions based on the Laplacian \( \Delta u_{i, j} \).
Definition at line 77 of file Line2d.h.
FrictionQPotSpringBlock::Line2d::System_Cuspy_Laplace::System_Cuspy_Laplace |
( |
double | m, |
double | eta, |
double | mu, |
double | k_interactions, |
double | k_frame, |
double | dt, |
const std::array< size_t, 2 > & | shape, |
uint64_t | seed, |
const std::string & | distribution, |
const std::vector< double > & | parameters, |
double | offset = -100.0, |
size_t | nchunk = 5000 ) |
inline |
Standard system with a cuspy potential energy landscape and short range interactions.
The system consists of particles of mass \( m \). The principle degree of freedom is the slip ('position') \( u_i \) of each particle \( i \). Each particle follows Newtonian dynamics \( m \ddot{u}_i = f_i \), with the residual force \( f_i \) given by the sum of:
A piece-wise quadratic local potential energy.
The resulting force is piece-wise linear: \( f_\mathrm{pot}^{(i)} = \mu (u_{\min}^{(i)} - u_i) \). where \( \mu \) is the curvature of the quadratic potentials, and \( u_{\min}^{(i)} \) the position of the current local minimum. The landscape is given by a cumulative sum of random numbers.
Short range elastic interactions with other particles.
The interactions are the short-range Laplacian \( \Delta u_i \): \( f_\mathrm{inter}^{(i)} = k (u_{i - 1} - 2 u_i + u_{i + 1}) \).
A drive though a spring attached to a load frame.
This corresponds to a parabolic potential energy for each particle, with the minimum at a set \( u_\text{frame} \): \( f_\text{frame}^{(i)} = k_\text{frame} (u_\text{frame} - u_i) \).
\( f_\text{damping}^{(i)} = - \eta v_i \), with the particle's velocity \( v_i \equiv \dot{u}_i \equiv \partial_t u_i \).
The following scaling argument holds to set \( k_\text{frame} \). Because of the competition between disorder and elastic interactions, the interface gets a roughness \( \delta u \sim \ell^\zeta \). This corresponds to fluctuations of interactions \( \delta f_\text{inter} \sim k_\text{inter} \partial^2 \delta u
\sim k_\text{inter} \ell^{\zeta - 2} \). The fluctuations of the drive are \( \delta f_\text{frame} \sim k_\text{frame} \delta u \sim k_\text{frame} \ell^\zeta \). For the disorder to be relevant \( \delta f_\text{inter} \sim \delta f_\text{frame} \). Such that \( k_\text{frame} / k_\text{inter} \sim 1 / \ell^2 \). With \( L = 1 / N \) the linear size of the system \( k_\text{frame} / k_\text{inter} \sim 1 / L^2 \)
The dynamics follow \( m a_i = f_i \), with the particle's acceleration \( a_i \equiv \ddot{u}_i \equiv \partial_t^2 u_i \), and the residual force \( f_i = f_\text{damping}^{(i)} + f_\text{pot}^{(i)} +
f_\text{inter}^{(i)} + f_\text{frame}^{(i)} \). This differential equation is integrated using Velocity-Verlet in timeStep() Note that this function updates the time t (or in fact the increment number inc), and that this is the only function that does so.
The implementation is is such that all forces are updated (if needed) every time the positions and velocities are updated, either internally in timeStep(), or externally when calling set_u() and set_v(). In absolute need refresh() can be called to force re-computation of forces, but this should normally not be needed.
Definition at line 88 of file Line2d.h.