GooseEYE 0.9.1
No Matches
GooseEYE Namespace Reference

Toolbox to compute statistics. More...


namespace  array_type
 Container type.
namespace  kernel
 Collect kernels.


class  ClusterLabeller
 (Incrementally) Label clusters (0 as background, 1..n as labels). More...
class  Ensemble
 Compute ensemble averaged statistics, by repetitively calling the member-function of a certain statistical measure with different data. More...


enum class  path_mode { Bresenham , actual , full }
 Different methods to compute a pixel-path. More...


array_type::tensor< int, 2 > path (const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > &x0, const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > &x1, path_mode mode=path_mode::Bresenham)
 Compute a path between two pixels.
array_type::array< int > dummy_circles (const std::vector< size_t > &shape, const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > &row, const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > &col, const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > &r, bool periodic=true)
 Dummy image with circles.
array_type::array< int > dummy_circles (const std::vector< size_t > &shape, bool periodic=true, uint64_t seed=0)
 Dummy image with circles.
template<class T , class S , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< typename T::value_type >::value &&std::is_integral< typename S::value_type >::value, int > = 0>
dilate (const T &f, const S &kernel, const array_type::tensor< size_t, 1 > &iterations, bool periodic=true)
 Dilate image.
template<class T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< typename T::value_type >::value, int > = 0>
dilate (const T &f, const array_type::tensor< size_t, 1 > &iterations, bool periodic=true)
 Dilate image.
template<class T , class S , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< typename T::value_type >::value &&std::is_integral< typename S::value_type >::value, int > = 0>
dilate (const T &f, const S &kernel, size_t iterations=1, bool periodic=true)
 Dilate image.
template<class T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< typename T::value_type >::value, int > = 0>
dilate (const T &f, size_t iterations=1, bool periodic=true)
 Dilate image.
template<class T >
array_type::tensor< typename T::value_type, 2 > labels_map (const T &a, const T &b)
 Get a map to relabel from a to b.
template<class L , class A >
L labels_rename (const L &labels, const A &rename)
 Rename labels.
template<class T >
labels_prune (const T &labels)
 Prune labels: renumber labels to lowest possible label starting from 1.
template<class L , class A >
L labels_reorder (const L &labels, const A &order)
 Reorder labels.
template<class T >
array_type::tensor< typename T::value_type, 2 > labels_sizes (const T &labels)
 Size per label.
template<class T , class N >
array_type::tensor< typename T::value_type, 1 > labels_sizes (const T &labels, const N &names)
 Size per label.
template<class T >
array_type::array< int > clusters (const T &f, bool periodic=true)
 Compute clusters.
array_type::tensor< double, 1 > center (const array_type::tensor< double, 1 > &shape, const array_type::tensor< double, 2 > &positions, bool periodic=true)
 Return the geometric center of a list of positions.
array_type::tensor< double, 1 > center_of_mass (const array_type::tensor< double, 1 > &shape, const array_type::tensor< double, 2 > &positions, const array_type::tensor< double, 1 > &weights, bool periodic=true)
 Return the geometric center of a list of positions.
template<class T , class N >
array_type::tensor< double, 2 > labels_centers (const T &labels, const N &names, bool periodic=true)
 Get the position of the center of each label.
template<class T , class W , class N >
array_type::tensor< double, 2 > labels_centers_of_mass (const T &labels, const W &weights, const N &names, bool periodic=true)
 Get the position of the center of each label.
auto distance (const std::vector< size_t > &roi)
 Get the relative distance of each pixel in the 'region-of-interest' to its center.
auto distance (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, size_t axis)
 Get the relative distance of each pixel in the 'region-of-interest' to its center.
auto distance (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const std::vector< double > &h)
 Get the relative distance of each pixel in the 'region-of-interest' to its center.
auto distance (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const std::vector< double > &h, size_t axis)
 Get the relative distance of each pixel in the 'region-of-interest' to its center.
template<class T >
auto S2 (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const T &f, const T &g, bool periodic=true)
 2-point correlation: P(f(i) * g(i + di)).
template<class T , class M >
auto S2 (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const T &f, const T &g, const M &fmask, const M &gmask, bool periodic=true)
 2-point correlation: P(f(i) * g(i + di)).
template<class T >
auto C2 (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const T &f, const T &g, bool periodic=true)
 2-point cluster function: P(f(i) == g(i + di)).
template<class T , class M >
auto C2 (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const T &f, const T &g, const M &fmask, const M &gmask, bool periodic=true)
 2-point cluster function: P(f(i) == g(i + di)).
template<class T >
auto W2 (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const T &w, const T &f, bool periodic=true)
 Weighted 2-point correlation.
template<class T , class M >
auto W2 (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const T &w, const T &f, const M &fmask, bool periodic=true)
 Weighted 2-point correlation.
template<class C , class T >
auto W2c (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const C &clusters, const C &centers, const T &f, path_mode mode=path_mode::Bresenham, bool periodic=true)
 Collapsed weighted 2-point correlation.
template<class C , class T , class M >
auto W2c (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const C &clusters, const C &centers, const T &f, const M &fmask, path_mode mode=path_mode::Bresenham, bool periodic=true)
 Collapsed weighted 2-point correlation.
template<class T >
auto heightheight (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const T &f, bool periodic=true)
 Height-height correlation.
template<class T , class M >
auto heightheight (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const T &f, const M &fmask, bool periodic=true)
 Height-height correlation.
template<class T >
auto L (const std::vector< size_t > &roi, const T &f, bool periodic=true, path_mode mode=path_mode::Bresenham)
 Lineal-path function.
std::string version ()
 Return version string, e.g.

Detailed Description

Toolbox to compute statistics.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ path_mode

enum class GooseEYE::path_mode

Different methods to compute a pixel-path.


Bresenham algorithm.


The actual path.


Similar to actual selecting every voxel that is crossed.

Definition at line 93 of file GooseEYE.h.

Function Documentation

◆ C2() [1/2]

template<class T >
auto GooseEYE::C2 ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const T & f,
const T & g,
bool periodic = true )

2-point cluster function: P(f(i) == g(i + di)).

fThe image.
gThe comparison image.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 75 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ C2() [2/2]

template<class T , class M >
auto GooseEYE::C2 ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const T & f,
const T & g,
const M & fmask,
const M & gmask,
bool periodic = true )

2-point cluster function: P(f(i) == g(i + di)).

fThe image.
gThe comparison image.
fmaskMask certain pixels of f (binary, 1: masked, 0: not masked).
gmaskMask certain pixels of g (binary, 1: masked, 0: not masked).
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 84 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ center()

array_type::tensor< double, 1 > GooseEYE::center ( const array_type::tensor< double, 1 > & shape,
const array_type::tensor< double, 2 > & positions,
bool periodic = true )

Return the geometric center of a list of positions.

The positions are organised as one column per dimension. For example, in 2d, the positions are organised as positions = np.hstack((rows.reshape(-1, 1), cols.reshape(-1, 1))). You can also use positions = np.argwhere(condition). This means that the following two calls are equivalent:
>>> centers(shape=labels.shape, positions=np.argwhere(labels == 1), periodic=True)
>>> labels_centers(labels=labels, names=[1], periodic=True)[0, :]

For periodic algorithm, see:

shapeShape of the box to which the coordinates below (needed to apply periodicity).
positionsList of positions (in array coordinates, e.g. [rows, columns]).
periodicSwitch to assume array periodic.
Coordinates of the center (in array coordinates, e.g. [center_row, center_col]).

Definition at line 1246 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ center_of_mass()

array_type::tensor< double, 1 > GooseEYE::center_of_mass ( const array_type::tensor< double, 1 > & shape,
const array_type::tensor< double, 2 > & positions,
const array_type::tensor< double, 1 > & weights,
bool periodic = true )

Return the geometric center of a list of positions.

The positions are organised as one column per dimension. For example, in 2d, the positions are organised as positions = np.hstack((rows.reshape(-1, 1), cols.reshape(-1, 1))). You can also use positions = np.argwhere(condition). This means that the following two calls are equivalent:
>>> centers(shape=labels.shape, positions=np.argwhere(labels == 1), periodic=True)
>>> labels_centers(labels=labels, names=[1], periodic=True)[0, :]

For periodic algorithm, see:

shapeShape of the box to which the coordinates below (needed to apply periodicity).
positionsList of positions (in array coordinates, e.g. [rows, columns]).
periodicSwitch to assume array periodic.
Coordinates of the center (in array coordinates, e.g. [center_row, center_col]).
weightsWeight for each position.

Definition at line 1274 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ clusters()

template<class T >
array_type::array< int > GooseEYE::clusters ( const T & f,
bool periodic = true )

Compute clusters.

periodicInterpret image as periodic.
'Image' with labels (1..n) for labels, 0 for background.

Definition at line 1198 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ dilate() [1/4]

template<class T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< typename T::value_type >::value, int > = 0>
T GooseEYE::dilate ( const T & f,
const array_type::tensor< size_t, 1 > & iterations,
bool periodic = true )

Dilate image.

Select "kernel::nearest" as kernel. See above for parameters.

Definition at line 388 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ dilate() [2/4]

template<class T , class S , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< typename T::value_type >::value &&std::is_integral< typename S::value_type >::value, int > = 0>
T GooseEYE::dilate ( const T & f,
const S & kernel,
const array_type::tensor< size_t, 1 > & iterations,
bool periodic = true )

Dilate image.

The input image can be binary (1), or have integer labels (>=1). In each case the background are 0.

fThe image (integer).
kernelThe kernel with which to dilate (binary).
iterationsNumber of iterations per label.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.
The dilated image.

Definition at line 299 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ dilate() [3/4]

template<class T , class S , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< typename T::value_type >::value &&std::is_integral< typename S::value_type >::value, int > = 0>
T GooseEYE::dilate ( const T & f,
const S & kernel,
size_t iterations = 1,
bool periodic = true )

Dilate image.

Fixed number of iterations for all labels. See above for parameters.

Definition at line 404 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ dilate() [4/4]

template<class T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< typename T::value_type >::value, int > = 0>
T GooseEYE::dilate ( const T & f,
size_t iterations = 1,
bool periodic = true )

Dilate image.

Fixed number of iterations for all labels. Select "kernel::nearest" as kernel. See above for parameters.

Definition at line 415 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ distance() [1/4]

auto GooseEYE::distance ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi)

Get the relative distance of each pixel in the 'region-of-interest' to its center.

The distances along the 'region-of-interest' set at construction.

Definition at line 28 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ distance() [2/4]

auto GooseEYE::distance ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const std::vector< double > & h )

Get the relative distance of each pixel in the 'region-of-interest' to its center.

hThe physical dimensions of one pixel (in each direction).
The distances along the 'region-of-interest' set at construction.

Definition at line 40 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ distance() [3/4]

auto GooseEYE::distance ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const std::vector< double > & h,
size_t axis )

Get the relative distance of each pixel in the 'region-of-interest' to its center.

hThe physical dimensions of one pixel (in each direction).
axisSelect axis.
The distances along the 'region-of-interest' set at construction.

Definition at line 46 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ distance() [4/4]

auto GooseEYE::distance ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
size_t axis )

Get the relative distance of each pixel in the 'region-of-interest' to its center.

axisSelect axis.
The distances along the 'region-of-interest' set at construction.

Definition at line 34 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ dummy_circles() [1/2]

array_type::array< int > GooseEYE::dummy_circles ( const std::vector< size_t > & shape,
bool periodic = true,
uint64_t seed = 0 )

Dummy image with circles.

The positions and radii of the circles are randomly generated.

shapeShape of the output image.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.
seedSeed for the random number generator.
The dummy image.

Definition at line 172 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ dummy_circles() [2/2]

array_type::array< int > GooseEYE::dummy_circles ( const std::vector< size_t > & shape,
const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > & row,
const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > & col,
const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > & r,
bool periodic = true )

Dummy image with circles.

shapeShape of the output image.
rowThe x-position of each circle.
colThe y-position of each circle.
rThe radius of each circle.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.
The dummy image.

Definition at line 120 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ heightheight() [1/2]

template<class T >
auto GooseEYE::heightheight ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const T & f,
bool periodic = true )

Height-height correlation.

fThe image.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 143 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ heightheight() [2/2]

template<class T , class M >
auto GooseEYE::heightheight ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const T & f,
const M & fmask,
bool periodic = true )

Height-height correlation.

fThe image.
fmaskMask certain pixels of f (binary, 1: masked, 0: not masked).
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 151 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ L()

template<class T >
auto GooseEYE::L ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const T & f,
bool periodic = true,
path_mode mode = path_mode::Bresenham )

Lineal-path function.

fThe image.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.
modeMethod to use (see path_mode()).

Definition at line 159 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ labels_centers()

template<class T , class N >
array_type::tensor< double, 2 > GooseEYE::labels_centers ( const T & labels,
const N & names,
bool periodic = true )

Get the position of the center of each label.

To compute the center of a single label, you can also use GooseEYE::center().
labelsAn image with labels.
namesList of labels to compute the center for.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.
Coordinates of the center (in array coordinates), in order of the unique (sorted) labels.

Definition at line 1340 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ labels_centers_of_mass()

template<class T , class W , class N >
array_type::tensor< double, 2 > GooseEYE::labels_centers_of_mass ( const T & labels,
const W & weights,
const N & names,
bool periodic = true )

Get the position of the center of each label.

To compute the center of a single label, you can also use GooseEYE::center().
labelsAn image with labels.
namesList of labels to compute the center for.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.
Coordinates of the center (in array coordinates), in order of the unique (sorted) labels.
weightsWeight for each pixel.

Definition at line 1368 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ labels_map()

template<class T >
array_type::tensor< typename T::value_type, 2 > GooseEYE::labels_map ( const T & a,
const T & b )

Get a map to relabel from a to b.

aImage with labels.
bImage with labels.
Array with each row the pair (old_label, new_label).

Definition at line 428 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ labels_prune()

template<class T >
T GooseEYE::labels_prune ( const T & labels)

Prune labels: renumber labels to lowest possible label starting from 1.

Note that the background 0 is always kept 0.

labelsImage with labels.
Image with reordered labels.

Definition at line 490 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ labels_rename()

template<class L , class A >
L GooseEYE::labels_rename ( const L & labels,
const A & rename )

Rename labels.

labelsImage with labels.
renameArray with each row the pair (old_label, new_label).
Image with reordered labels.

Definition at line 457 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ labels_reorder()

template<class L , class A >
L GooseEYE::labels_reorder ( const L & labels,
const A & order )

Reorder labels.

labelsImage with labels.
orderList of new order of labels (unique(labels) in desired order).
Image with reordered labels.

Definition at line 536 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ labels_sizes() [1/2]

template<class T >
array_type::tensor< typename T::value_type, 2 > GooseEYE::labels_sizes ( const T & labels)

Size per label.

labelsImage with labels.
List of size n + 1 with the size per label.

Definition at line 588 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ labels_sizes() [2/2]

template<class T , class N >
array_type::tensor< typename T::value_type, 1 > GooseEYE::labels_sizes ( const T & labels,
const N & names )

Size per label.

labelsImage with labels.
namesList of 'names' to extract.
Size of each label in names.

Definition at line 612 of file GooseEYE.h.

◆ path()

array_type::tensor< int, 2 > GooseEYE::path ( const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > & x0,
const array_type::tensor< int, 1 > & x1,
path_mode mode = path_mode::Bresenham )

Compute a path between two pixels.

x0Pixel coordinate (e.g. {0, 0}).
x1Pixel coordinate (e.g. {10, 5}).
modeMethod to use (see "path_mode").
The path: the coordinate of one pixel per row.

Definition at line 15 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ S2() [1/2]

template<class T >
auto GooseEYE::S2 ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const T & f,
const T & g,
bool periodic = true )

2-point correlation: P(f(i) * g(i + di)).

fThe image.
gThe comparison image.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 53 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ S2() [2/2]

template<class T , class M >
auto GooseEYE::S2 ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const T & f,
const T & g,
const M & fmask,
const M & gmask,
bool periodic = true )

2-point correlation: P(f(i) * g(i + di)).

fThe image.
gThe comparison image.
fmaskMask certain pixels of f (binary, 1: masked, 0: not masked).
gmaskMask certain pixels of g (binary, 1: masked, 0: not masked).
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 62 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ version()

std::string GooseEYE::version ( )

Return version string, e.g.



Definition at line 25 of file version.hpp.

◆ W2() [1/2]

template<class T >
auto GooseEYE::W2 ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const T & w,
const T & f,
bool periodic = true )

Weighted 2-point correlation.

fThe image.
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 97 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ W2() [2/2]

template<class T , class M >
auto GooseEYE::W2 ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const T & w,
const T & f,
const M & fmask,
bool periodic = true )

Weighted 2-point correlation.

fThe image.
fmaskMask certain pixels of f (binary, 1: masked, 0: not masked).
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 106 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ W2c() [1/2]

template<class C , class T , class M >
auto GooseEYE::W2c ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const C & clusters,
const C & centers,
const T & f,
const M & fmask,
path_mode mode = path_mode::Bresenham,
bool periodic = true )

Collapsed weighted 2-point correlation.

clustersThe clusters.
centersThe cluster-centers: label only at the center.
fThe image.
fmaskMask certain pixels of f (binary, 1: masked, 0: not masked).
modeMethod to use (see path_mode()).
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 129 of file GooseEYE.hpp.

◆ W2c() [2/2]

template<class C , class T >
auto GooseEYE::W2c ( const std::vector< size_t > & roi,
const C & clusters,
const C & centers,
const T & f,
path_mode mode = path_mode::Bresenham,
bool periodic = true )

Collapsed weighted 2-point correlation.

clustersThe clusters.
centersThe cluster-centers: label only at the center.
fThe image.
modeMethod to use (see path_mode()).
periodicSwitch to assume image periodic.

Definition at line 115 of file GooseEYE.hpp.