| Regular (size_t nelx, size_t nely, size_t nelz, double h=1.0) |
| Constructor.
auto | nelz () const |
| Number of elements in y-direction == height of the mesh, in units of h,.
auto | nodesBottom () const |
| Nodes along the bottom face (y = 0).
auto | nodesTop () const |
| Nodes along the top face (y = nely * h).
auto | nodesLeft () const |
| Nodes along the left face (x = 0).
auto | nodesRight () const |
| Nodes along the right face (x = nelx * h).
auto | nodesFront () const |
| Nodes along the front face (z = 0).
auto | nodesBack () const |
| Nodes along the back face (z = nelz * h).
auto | nodesFrontBottomEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the front and bottom faces (z = 0 and y = 0).
auto | nodesFrontTopEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the front and top faces (z = 0 and y = nely * h).
auto | nodesFrontLeftEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the front and left faces (z = 0 and x = 0).
auto | nodesFrontRightEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the front and right faces (z = 0 and x = nelx * h).
auto | nodesBackBottomEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the back and bottom faces (z = nelz * h and y = nely * h).
auto | nodesBackTopEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the back and top faces (z = nelz * h and x = 0).
auto | nodesBackLeftEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the back and left faces (z = nelz * h and x = nelx * h).
auto | nodesBackRightEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the back and right faces (? = nelz * h and ? = ?).
auto | nodesBottomLeftEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the bottom and left faces (y = 0 and x = 0).
auto | nodesBottomRightEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the bottom and right faces (y = 0 and x = nelx * h).
auto | nodesTopLeftEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the top and left faces (y = 0 and x = nelx * h).
auto | nodesTopRightEdge () const |
| Nodes along the edge at the intersection of the top and right faces (y = nely * h and x = nelx * h).
auto | nodesBottomFrontEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomEdge()
auto | nodesBottomBackEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomEdge()
auto | nodesTopFrontEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopEdge()
auto | nodesTopBackEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopEdge()
auto | nodesLeftBottomEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBottomLeftEdge()
auto | nodesLeftFrontEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontLeftEdge()
auto | nodesLeftBackEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBackLeftEdge()
auto | nodesLeftTopEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesTopLeftEdge()
auto | nodesRightBottomEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBottomRightEdge()
auto | nodesRightTopEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesTopRightEdge()
auto | nodesRightFrontEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontRightEdge()
auto | nodesRightBackEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBackRightEdge()
auto | nodesFrontFace () const |
| Nodes along the front face excluding edges.
auto | nodesBackFace () const |
| Nodes along the back face excluding edges.
auto | nodesLeftFace () const |
| Nodes along the left face excluding edges.
auto | nodesRightFace () const |
| Nodes along the right face excluding edges.
auto | nodesBottomFace () const |
| Nodes along the bottom face excluding edges.
auto | nodesTopFace () const |
| Nodes along the top face excluding edges.
auto | nodesFrontBottomOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesFrontBottomEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesFrontTopOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesFrontTopEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesFrontLeftOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesFrontLeftEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesFrontRightOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesFrontRightEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesBackBottomOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesBackBottomEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesBackTopOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesBackTopEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesBackLeftOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesBackLeftEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesBackRightOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesBackRightEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesBottomLeftOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesBottomLeftEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesBottomRightOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesBottomRightEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesTopLeftOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesTopLeftEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesTopRightOpenEdge () const |
| Same as nodesTopRightEdge() but without corners.
auto | nodesBottomFrontOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomOpenEdge().
auto | nodesBottomBackOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomOpenEdge().
auto | nodesTopFrontOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopOpenEdge().
auto | nodesTopBackOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopOpenEdge().
auto | nodesLeftBottomOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBottomLeftOpenEdge().
auto | nodesLeftFrontOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontLeftOpenEdge().
auto | nodesLeftBackOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBackLeftOpenEdge().
auto | nodesLeftTopOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesTopLeftOpenEdge().
auto | nodesRightBottomOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBottomRightOpenEdge().
auto | nodesRightTopOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesTopRightOpenEdge().
auto | nodesRightFrontOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontRightOpenEdge().
auto | nodesRightBackOpenEdge () const |
| Alias of nodesBackRightOpenEdge().
auto | nodesFrontBottomLeftCorner () const |
| Front-Bottom-Left corner node.
auto | nodesFrontBottomRightCorner () const |
| Front-Bottom-Right corner node.
auto | nodesFrontTopLeftCorner () const |
| Front-Top-Left corner node.
auto | nodesFrontTopRightCorner () const |
| Front-Top-Right corner node.
auto | nodesBackBottomLeftCorner () const |
| Back-Bottom-Left corner node.
auto | nodesBackBottomRightCorner () const |
| Back-Bottom-Right corner node.
auto | nodesBackTopLeftCorner () const |
| Back-Top-Left corner node.
auto | nodesBackTopRightCorner () const |
| Back-Top-Right corner node.
auto | nodesFrontLeftBottomCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesBottomFrontLeftCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesBottomLeftFrontCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesLeftFrontBottomCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesLeftBottomFrontCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesFrontRightBottomCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesBottomFrontRightCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesBottomRightFrontCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesRightFrontBottomCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesRightBottomFrontCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesFrontLeftTopCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesTopFrontLeftCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesTopLeftFrontCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesLeftFrontTopCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesLeftTopFrontCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesFrontRightTopCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopRightCorner().
auto | nodesTopFrontRightCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopRightCorner().
auto | nodesTopRightFrontCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopRightCorner().
auto | nodesRightFrontTopCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopRightCorner().
auto | nodesRightTopFrontCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesFrontTopRightCorner().
auto | nodesBackLeftBottomCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesBottomBackLeftCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesBottomLeftBackCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesLeftBackBottomCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesLeftBottomBackCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomLeftCorner().
auto | nodesBackRightBottomCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesBottomBackRightCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesBottomRightBackCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesRightBackBottomCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesRightBottomBackCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackBottomRightCorner().
auto | nodesBackLeftTopCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesTopBackLeftCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesTopLeftBackCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesLeftBackTopCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesLeftTopBackCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopLeftCorner().
auto | nodesBackRightTopCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopRightCorner().
auto | nodesTopBackRightCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopRightCorner().
auto | nodesTopRightBackCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopRightCorner().
auto | nodesRightBackTopCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopRightCorner().
auto | nodesRightTopBackCorner () const |
| Alias of nodesBackTopRightCorner().
auto | nelem () const |
| Number of elements.
auto | nnode () const |
| Number of nodes.
auto | nne () const |
| Number of nodes-per-element == 4.
auto | ndim () const |
| Number of dimensions == 2.
auto | nelx () const |
| Number of elements in x-direction == width of the mesh in units of h.
auto | nely () const |
| Number of elements in y-direction == height of the mesh, in units of h,.
auto | h () const |
| Linear edge size of one 'block'.
auto | elementType () const |
| The ElementType().
auto | coor () const |
| Nodal coordinates [nnode, ndim].
auto | conn () const |
| Connectivity [nelem, nne].
auto | dofs () const |
| DOF numbers for each node (numbered sequentially) [nnode, ndim].
auto | dofsPeriodic () const |
| DOF-numbers for the case that the periodicity if fully eliminated.
auto | nodesPeriodic () const |
| Periodic node pairs, in two columns: (independent, dependent).
auto | nodesOrigin () const |
| Reference node to use for periodicity, because all corners are tied to it.