Portable Reconstructible (Pseudo) Random Number Generator.
Documentation: https://tdegeus.github.io/prrng
This library is a wrapper around imneme/pcg-c-basic, see also pcg-random.org, and uses some features from wjakob/pcg32.
Basic example
The idea is to provide a random number generator that can return nd-distributions of random numbers. Example:
#include <ctime>
#include <xtensor/xtensor.h>
int main()
auto seed = std::time(0);
auto a = generator.random({10, 40});
return 0;
Random number generate using the pcg32 algorithm.
Portable Reconstructible Random Number Generator.
One of the hallmark features of the pcg32 generator is that the state of the random generator (the position in random sequence set by the seed) can be saved and restored at any point
#include <xtensor/xtensor.h>
int main()
auto state = generator.state();
auto a = generator.random({10, 40});
auto b = generator.random({10, 40});
assert(xt::allclose(a, b));
return 0;
or in Python
import prrng
import time
seed = int(time.time())
a = generator.random([10, 40])
Note that a seed gives the exact same random sequence from C++ as from Python.
- Language and platform independence.
- Several distributions implemented.
- Advance by
in the random sequence in a less costly way that drawing the numbers.
- Compute the distance between two states.
Important (C++): A very important and hallmark features of pcg32 is that, internally, types of fixed bit size are used. Notably the state is (re)stored as uint64_t
. This makes that restoring can be uniquely done on any system and any compiler, on any platform (as long as you save the uint64_t
properly, naturally). As a convenience the output can be recast by specifying a template parameter, while static assertions shield you from losing data. For example, auto state = generator.state<size_t>();
would be allowed, but auto state = generator.state<int>();
would not.
Note that the Python API ensure the right types at all times.
The advantage of being able to restore and advance the random number generator is exploited in a wrapper in which the cumulative sum of the sequence of random numbers can be accessed in chunks.
Basic usage
For example (Python):
k = 2
scale = 5
offset = 0.1
x = np.cumsum(offset + generator.weibull([10000], k, scale))
The sequence x
can potentially be very long, and one might want to access it in chunks. This can be done using:
k = 2
scale = 5
offset = 0.1
nchunk = 100
shape = [nchunk],
distribution = prrng.weibull,
parameters = [k, scale, offset],
target = 12345.6
Generator of a random cumulative sum of which a chunk is kept in memory.
You can modify the sequence by modifying the chunk. For example, to apply an offset:
shape = [nchunk],
distribution = prrng.weibull,
parameters = [k, scale, offset],
chunk -= dx0
Array of tensors
In addition a bunch of random number generators can be collected in an nd-array, such that a composite array of random numbers is returned. Example:
#include <xtensor/xtensor.h>
int main()
xt::xtensor<uint64_t, 2> seed = {{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}};
auto state = generator.state();
auto a = generator.random({4, 5});
auto b = generator.random({4, 5});
assert(xt::allclose(a, b));
return 0;
Array of independent generators.
Random distributions
Each random generator can return a random sequence according to a certain distribution. The most basic behaviour is to just convert a random integer to a random double [0, 1]
, as was already done in the examples using generator.random<...>(...)
. Also this feature is included in the Python API, allowing to get a reproducible distribution.
More information
- The documentation of the code.
- The code itself.
- The unit tests, under tests.
- The examples, under examples.
C++ and Python
The code is a C++ header-only library, but a Python module is also provided. The interfaces are identical except:
- All xtensor objects (
) are NumPy arrays in Python.
- All
in C++ are .
in Python.
C++ headers
Using conda
conda install -c conda-forge prrng
From source
# Download prrng
git checkout https://github.com/tdegeus/prrng.git
cd prrng
# Install headers, CMake and pkg-config support
cmake .
make install
Python module
Using conda
conda install -c conda-forge python-prrng
Note that xsimd and hardware optimisation are not enabled. To enable them you have to compile on your system, as is discussed next.
From source
# Download prrng
git checkout https://github.com/tdegeus/prrng.git
cd prrng
# Get prerequisites. An example is given using conda, but there are many other ways
conda activate myenv
conda env update --file environment.yaml
# (if you use hardware optimisation, below, you also want)
conda install -c conda-forge xsimd
# Compile and install the Python module
# (-v can be omitted as is controls just the verbosity)
python -m pip install . -v
# Or, compile with hardware optimisation (fastest), see scikit-build docs
SKBUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="-DUSE_SIMD=1" python -m pip install . -v
# Note that you can also compile with debug assertions (very slow)
SKBUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="-USE_DEBUG=1" python -m pip install . -v
# Or, without any assertions (slightly faster, but more dangerous)
SKBUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="-USE_ASSERT=1" python -m pip install . -v
Compiling user code
Using CMake
Using prrng your CMakeLists.txt
can be as follows
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
find_package(prrng REQUIRED)
add_executable(example example.cpp)
target_link_libraries(example PRIVATE prrng)
The following targets are available:
Includes prrng and the xtensor dependency.
Enables assertions by defining QPOT_ENABLE_ASSERT
Enables all assertions by defining QPOT_ENABLE_ASSERT
Enables compiler warnings (generic).
It is advised to think about compiler optimisation and enabling xsimd. Using CMake this can be done using the xtensor::optimize
and xtensor::use_xsimd
targets. The above example then becomes:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
find_package(prrng REQUIRED)
find_package(xtensor REQUIRED)
find_package(xsimd REQUIRED)
add_executable(example example.cpp)
target_link_libraries(example PRIVATE
See the documentation of xtensor concerning optimisation.
By hand
Presuming that the compiler is c++
, compile using:
c++ -I/path/to/prrng/include ...
Note that you have to take care of the xtensor dependency, the C++ version, optimisation, enabling xsimd, ...
Using pkg-config
Presuming that the compiler is c++
, compile using:
c++ `pkg-config --cflags prrng` ...
Note that you have to take care of the xtensor dependency, the C++ version, optimization, enabling xsimd, ...
New features
- Allow scalar return type where possible
- Adding
- Adding
distribution (just to provide a quick API)
- [docs] Using default doxygen theme
Internal changes
- Making
more robust
- Omitting unneeded
- [tests] Updating catch2 v3
- Switching to scikit-build, clean-up of CMake (#24)
- [Python] setup.py: support cross-compilation, allowing customization
- [CMake] allowing simd
- [CMake] Avoiding setuptools_scm dependency if SETUPTOOLS_SCM_PRETEND_VERSION is defined
- [CI] Minor updates
- [docs] Updating doxystyle
- [docs] Building docs on release
- Using new operators xtensor
- Minor style update
- Fixing weibull_distribution::cdf. Plotting CDF
- [CMake] Minor updates