GooseFEM 1.4.1.dev2+g78f16df
No Matches
Element.h File Reference

Convenience methods for integration point data. More...

#include "Allocate.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "detail.h"

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class  GooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBase< D >
 CRTP base class for quadrature. More...
class  GooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBaseCartesian< D >
 CRTP base class for interpolation and quadrature for a generic element in Cartesian coordinates. More...


namespace  GooseFEM
 Toolbox to perform finite element computations.
namespace  GooseFEM::Element
 Element quadrature and interpolation.


array_type::tensor< double, 3 > GooseFEM::Element::asElementVector (const array_type::tensor< size_t, 2 > &conn, const array_type::tensor< double, 2 > &nodevec)
 Convert nodal vector with ("nodevec", shape:[nnode, ndim]) to nodal vector stored per element ("elemvec", shape: [nelem, nne, ndim]).
array_type::tensor< double, 2 > GooseFEM::Element::assembleNodeVector (const array_type::tensor< size_t, 2 > &conn, const array_type::tensor< double, 3 > &elemvec)
 Assemble nodal vector stored per element ("elemvec", shape [nelem, nne, ndim]) to nodal vector ("nodevec", shape [nnode, ndim]).
template<class E >
bool GooseFEM::Element::isSequential (const E &dofs)
 Check that DOFs leave no holes.
bool GooseFEM::Element::isDiagonal (const array_type::tensor< double, 3 > &elemmat)
 Check that all of the matrices stored per elemmat (shape: [nelem, nne * ndim, nne * ndim]) are diagonal.

Detailed Description

Convenience methods for integration point data.

License: This project is released under the GNU Public License (GPLv3).

Definition in file Element.h.