GooseFEM 1.4.1.dev2+g78f16df
Files | |
Allocate.h | |
Common allocation methods. | |
assertions.h | |
config.h | |
Basic configuration: | |
detail.h | |
Element.h | |
Convenience methods for integration point data. | |
ElementHex8.h | |
Quadrature for 8-noded hexahedral element in 3d (GooseFEM::Mesh::ElementType::Hex8), in a Cartesian coordinate system. | |
ElementQuad4.h | |
Quadrature for 4-noded quadrilateral element in 2d (GooseFEM::Mesh::ElementType::Quad4), in a Cartesian coordinate system. | |
ElementQuad4Axisymmetric.h | |
Quadrature for 4-noded quadrilateral element in 2d (GooseFEM::Mesh::ElementType::Quad4), in an axisymmetric coordinated system. | |
ElementQuad4Planar.h | |
Quadrature for 4-noded quadrilateral element in 2d (GooseFEM::Mesh::ElementType::Quad4), in a Cartesian coordinate system. | |
GooseFEM.h | |
Basic include of common methods. | |
Iterate.h | |
Support function for iterations. | |
Matrix.h | |
MatrixDiagonal.h | |
Diagonal matrix. | |
MatrixDiagonalPartitioned.h | |
Diagonal matrix that is partitioned in: | |
MatrixPartitioned.h | |
Sparse matrix that is partitioned in: | |
MatrixPartitionedTyings.h | |
Sparse matrix that is partitioned in: | |
Mesh.h | |
Generic mesh operations. | |
MeshHex8.h | |
Generate simple meshes of 8-noded hexahedral elements in 3d (GooseFEM::Mesh::ElementType::Hex8). | |
MeshQuad4.h | |
Generate simple meshes of 4-noded quadrilateral elements in 2d (GooseFEM::Mesh::ElementType::Quad4). | |
MeshTri3.h | |
Generate simple meshes of 3-noded triangular elements in 2d (GooseFEM::Mesh::ElementType::Tri3). | |
TyingsPeriodic.h | |
Tools to store and apply nodal/DOF tyings. | |
Vector.h | |
Methods to switch between storage types based on a mesh. | |
VectorPartitioned.h | |
Methods to switch between storage types based on a mesh and DOFs that are partitioned in: | |
VectorPartitionedTyings.h | |
Methods to switch between storage types based on a mesh and DOFs that are partitioned in: | |
version.h | |
Version information. | |