GooseFEM 1.4.1.dev2+g78f16df
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NGooseFEMToolbox to perform finite element computations
 NElementElement quadrature and interpolation
 NHex88-noded hexahedral element in 3d (GooseFEM::Mesh::ElementType::Hex8)
 CQuadratureInterpolation and quadrature
 NQuad44-noded quadrilateral element in 2d (GooseFEM::Mesh::ElementType::Quad4)
 CQuadratureInterpolation and quadrature
 CQuadratureAxisymmetricInterpolation and quadrature
 CQuadraturePlanarInterpolation and quadrature
 CQuadratureBaseCRTP base class for quadrature
 CQuadratureBaseCartesianCRTP base class for interpolation and quadrature for a generic element in Cartesian coordinates
 NIterateSupport function for iterations in end-user programs
 CStopListClass to perform a residual check based on the last "n" iterations
 NMeshGeneric mesh operations, and simple mesh definitions
 NHex8Simple meshes of 8-noded hexahedral elements in 3d (ElementType::Hex8)
 CFineLayerMesh with fine middle layer, and coarser elements towards the top and bottom
 CRegularRegular mesh: equi-sized elements
 NQuad4Simple meshes of 4-noded quadrilateral elements in 2d (ElementType::Quad4)
 NMapMesh mappings
 CFineLayer2RegularMap a FineLayer mesh to a Regular mesh
 CRefineRegularRefine a Regular mesh: subdivide elements in several smaller elements
 CFineLayerMesh with fine middle layer, and coarser elements towards the top and bottom
 CRegularRegular mesh: equi-sized elements
 NTri3Simple meshes of and mesh operations for triangular elements of type ElementType::Tri3
 CRegularRegular grid of squares, with each square cut into two triangular elements
 CManualStitchStitch two mesh objects, specifying overlapping nodes by hand
 CRegularBaseCRTP base class for regular meshes
 CRegularBase2dCRTP base class for regular meshes in 2d
 CRegularBase3dCRTP base class for regular meshes in 3d
 CRenumberRenumber indices to lowest possible index
 CReorderReorder to lowest possible index, in specific order
 CStitchStitch mesh objects, automatically searching for overlapping nodes
 CVstackVertically stack meshes
 NTyingsTools to store and apply nodal/DOF tyings
 CControlAdd control nodes to an existing system
 CPeriodicNodal tyings per periodic boundary conditions
 CMatrixSparse matrix
 CMatrixBaseCRTP base class for a matrix
 CMatrixDiagonalDiagonal matrix
 CMatrixDiagonalBaseCRTP base class for a partitioned matrix with tying
 CMatrixDiagonalPartitionedDiagonal and partitioned matrix
 CMatrixPartitionedSparse matrix partitioned in an unknown and a prescribed part
 CMatrixPartitionedBaseCRTP base class for a partitioned matrix
 CMatrixPartitionedSolverSolve \( x_u = A_{uu}^{-1} (b_u - A_{up} * x_p) \) for A of the MatrixPartitioned() class
 CMatrixPartitionedTyingsSparse matrix from with dependent DOFs are eliminated, and the remaining (small) independent system is partitioned in an unknown and a prescribed part
 CMatrixPartitionedTyingsBaseCRTP base class for a partitioned matrix with tying
 CMatrixPartitionedTyingsSolverSolver for MatrixPartitionedTyings()
 CMatrixSolverSolve \( x = A^{-1} b \), for A of the GooseFEM::Matrix() class
 CMatrixSolverBaseCRTP base class for a solver class
 CMatrixSolverPartitionedBaseCRTP base class for a extra functions for a partitioned solver class
 CMatrixSolverSingleBaseCRTP base class for a solver class
 CVectorClass to switch between storage types
 CVectorPartitionedClass to switch between storage types, based on a mesh and DOFs that are partitioned in:
 CVectorPartitionedTyingsClass to switch between storage types