GooseFEM 1.4.1.dev2+g78f16df
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CGooseFEM::Tyings::ControlAdd control nodes to an existing system
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Map::FineLayer2RegularMap a FineLayer mesh to a Regular mesh
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::ManualStitchStitch two mesh objects, specifying overlapping nodes by hand
 CGooseFEM::MatrixBase< D >CRTP base class for a matrix
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedBase< MatrixDiagonalPartitioned >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixDiagonalPartitionedDiagonal and partitioned matrix
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedBase< MatrixPartitioned >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedSparse matrix partitioned in an unknown and a prescribed part
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedBase< MatrixPartitionedTyings >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedBase< D >CRTP base class for a partitioned matrix
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedTyingsBase< MatrixPartitionedTyings >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedTyingsSparse matrix from with dependent DOFs are eliminated, and the remaining (small) independent system is partitioned in an unknown and a prescribed part
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedTyingsBase< D >CRTP base class for a partitioned matrix with tying
 CGooseFEM::MatrixBase< Matrix >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixSparse matrix
 CGooseFEM::MatrixBase< MatrixDiagonal >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixDiagonalDiagonal matrix
 CGooseFEM::MatrixBase< MatrixDiagonalPartitioned >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixBase< MatrixPartitioned >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixBase< MatrixPartitionedTyings >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixDiagonalBase< D >CRTP base class for a partitioned matrix with tying
 CGooseFEM::MatrixDiagonalBase< MatrixDiagonal >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixDiagonalDiagonal matrix
 CGooseFEM::MatrixDiagonalBase< MatrixDiagonalPartitioned >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixDiagonalPartitionedDiagonal and partitioned matrix
 CGooseFEM::MatrixSolverBase< D >CRTP base class for a solver class
 CMatrixSolverBase< MatrixPartitionedSolver< Eigen::SimplicialLDLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > > > >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedSolver< Solver >Solve \( x_u = A_{uu}^{-1} (b_u - A_{up} * x_p) \) for A of the MatrixPartitioned() class
 CMatrixSolverBase< MatrixPartitionedTyingsSolver< Eigen::SimplicialLDLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > > > >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedTyingsSolver< Solver >Solver for MatrixPartitionedTyings()
 CMatrixSolverBase< MatrixSolver< Eigen::SimplicialLDLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > > > >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixSolver< Solver >Solve \( x = A^{-1} b \), for A of the GooseFEM::Matrix() class
 CGooseFEM::MatrixSolverPartitionedBase< D >CRTP base class for a extra functions for a partitioned solver class
 CMatrixSolverPartitionedBase< MatrixPartitionedSolver< Eigen::SimplicialLDLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > > > >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedSolver< Solver >Solve \( x_u = A_{uu}^{-1} (b_u - A_{up} * x_p) \) for A of the MatrixPartitioned() class
 CMatrixSolverPartitionedBase< MatrixPartitionedTyingsSolver< Eigen::SimplicialLDLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > > > >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixPartitionedTyingsSolver< Solver >Solver for MatrixPartitionedTyings()
 CGooseFEM::MatrixSolverSingleBase< D >CRTP base class for a solver class
 CMatrixSolverSingleBase< MatrixSolver< Eigen::SimplicialLDLT< Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > > > >
 CGooseFEM::MatrixSolver< Solver >Solve \( x = A^{-1} b \), for A of the GooseFEM::Matrix() class
 CGooseFEM::Tyings::PeriodicNodal tyings per periodic boundary conditions
 CGooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBase< D >CRTP base class for quadrature
 CGooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBaseCartesian< Quadrature >
 CGooseFEM::Element::Hex8::QuadratureInterpolation and quadrature
 CGooseFEM::Element::Quad4::QuadratureInterpolation and quadrature
 CGooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBaseCartesian< QuadratureAxisymmetric >
 CGooseFEM::Element::Quad4::QuadratureAxisymmetricInterpolation and quadrature
 CGooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBaseCartesian< QuadraturePlanar >
 CGooseFEM::Element::Quad4::QuadraturePlanarInterpolation and quadrature
 CGooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBaseCartesian< D >CRTP base class for interpolation and quadrature for a generic element in Cartesian coordinates
 CGooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBase< Quadrature >
 CGooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBase< QuadratureAxisymmetric >
 CGooseFEM::Element::QuadratureBase< QuadraturePlanar >
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::Map::RefineRegularRefine a Regular mesh: subdivide elements in several smaller elements
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase< D >CRTP base class for regular meshes
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase2d< FineLayer >
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::FineLayerMesh with fine middle layer, and coarser elements towards the top and bottom
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase2d< Regular >
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::Quad4::RegularRegular mesh: equi-sized elements
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::Tri3::RegularRegular grid of squares, with each square cut into two triangular elements
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase3d< FineLayer >
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::Hex8::FineLayerMesh with fine middle layer, and coarser elements towards the top and bottom
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase3d< Regular >
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::Hex8::RegularRegular mesh: equi-sized elements
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase2d< D >CRTP base class for regular meshes in 2d
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase3d< D >CRTP base class for regular meshes in 3d
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase< FineLayer >
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase< Regular >
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::RenumberRenumber indices to lowest possible index
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::ReorderReorder to lowest possible index, in specific order
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::StitchStitch mesh objects, automatically searching for overlapping nodes
 CGooseFEM::Mesh::VstackVertically stack meshes
 CGooseFEM::Iterate::StopListClass to perform a residual check based on the last "n" iterations
 CGooseFEM::VectorClass to switch between storage types
 CGooseFEM::VectorPartitionedClass to switch between storage types, based on a mesh and DOFs that are partitioned in:
 CGooseFEM::VectorPartitionedTyingsClass to switch between storage types